For Ezra had set his heart
to study the law
of the Lord and
to practice it, and
to teach His statutes
and ordinances in Israel.

Ezra 7:10 NASB
~ Ezra 710 Plan FEEDBACK ~

This is one of the most helpful Christian pages on the web! Thank you! I look forward to completing the Ezra 7:10 manual.

I am on my way in this course, and I am having a great time digging into God's word. Thank you for this ministry.

Most of all, I enjoyed the study itself - it will be of great value to me, and I look forward to studying further with Revival Ministries Inc.

I am really enjoying your course and look forward to more insightful comments on my homework. You have done a great service and I hope that more people find your URL and take up the study of God's word.

I am very excited about this class and I know it will help me be a blessing to others.

I'm looking forward to taking the course. It is just what I've been looking for. Thank you.

Wonderful webpage. May God richly bless you in your work for Him.

Looking at what I have seen so far, I would like to even teach a small course using your system to instruct others on how to study the Bible.

I am so excited about this bible study it truly seems to be what I have been looking for. God bless you for being where I could find you.

I've been a christian for two years now and have been searching for a way to strengthen my bible study skills. So far, this looks like what I've needed.

I'm really excited about learning all I can about God's Word. Thank you for this opportunity!

Looks Great!! Love this study!!

I thank God for this study. It is just what I've been searching for (seek and you shall find) Praise The Lord !